i am a feminist!

i’m a feminist. i’ve been a female for a long time now. it’d be stupid not to be on my own side.

maya angelou

these inspiring words from maya angelou sum up very well the reason i am a proud feminist.

i am a feminist because i am proud to be a woman. i believe in equality between the sexes; that is purest definition of feminism in my opinion. but i know there are many forms of feminism. at its core, however, i feel that it is about respect, equality, and love.

but there is a historical imbalance. while everything i said in the previous paragraph is absolutely true, it’s impossible to ignore how women have been put down, marginalized, and treated like second-class citizens throughout most of history including present day. fighting for and promoting equality does mean putting the focus on correcting the gross inequities that women have suffered.

feminism is not a bad word. it does not mean the hatred of men. it does not mean the exclusion of men. it means the promotion of women. it means sisterhood, friendship, celebration, and joy. it means joining together to fight for our equal rights, for working to promote our own autonomy our own power. feminism is a vast word and a vast world that encompasses so many facets being embraced by all types of people.

going back to the beginning quote, i think that it is so important for women to be feminists. i mean, why wouldn’t i want to support my fellow women. why wouldn’t i want to support myself?

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